Mc3man Trusty Media

Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo apt-get install ffmpeg level 1. 3 points 4 years ago. Yeah, it was apparently out of the repos from 12.10-15.04 (inclusive). Once they move it to the next LTS release (that being 16.04), it won't be necessary to add a third-party repo to.

Upgraded, advanced or not normally available multimedia packages for Trusty
Xenial users go here -

  • Sudo apt-get remove vlc vlc-plugin-. #remove any vlc data / plugin sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-. Reference: Link don't forget to add VLSub for pleasant subtitle download experience:).
  • Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo apt-get install ffmpeg; Run ffmpeg; If you’re on a Mac or Linux or a Unix-like environment (e.g., Cygwin) on Windows, you may run the below script in terminal and follow the steps in it to convert the video file.

*Please note that if using this ppa I would *not* try upgrading to 14.10/15.04, ect. Do a fresh install instead. The intent here is just for users wishing to stay on 14.04*

If upgrading releases anyway use ppa-purge *First* -
sudo ppa-purge ppa:mc3man/trusty-media

Also note that using this ppa then disabling may cause issue for installing i386 packages like used by wine. So once enabled leave enabled or purge before removing.

Additionally if using apt-get * sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will be needed* at times.(pay attention). Otherwise package managers may be ok.

So typically to enable & first use -
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

A few notes:
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg - needed for some apps that still use gstreamer-0.10 & also provides h.264 in html5 decoding for firefox < 30.
Note that Firefox 30 will support h.264 in html5 thru gstreamer1.0-libav & should be available soon

A standalone ppa is here for gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg -

16.04 - Ubuntu Repository Does Not Have A Release File ...


Vlc: after upgrading please remove ~/.config/vlc folder to ensure proper runnning

Totem - New - have added a --no-existing-session option to open a 2nd instance. Unity users can also find it in the totem quicklist

Spark Video on web says my video file is unsupported – Adobe ...

Totem+grilo - it's quite possible this & RB+grilo will show in 14.04 by first point release, if so will probably remove. Also note some plugins work well, some don't at all, bit of a mess. Note that the youtube plugin is again broken, I'll not fix.

rhythmbox+grilo - needs to be enabled in rhythmbox > tools > plugins
Plus install grilo-plugins if not already

mpv - has been removed as 14.04.4-lts requires higher libva than what's in 14.04 or in this ppa
Available here with newer libva & i965 driver

mplayer - described here, note mencoder is not inc. & likely will not be, you may be able to use repo mencoder..


fdkaac (fdkaac-encoder) - described here

x264 - for use with ffmpeg from here, supports both 8 & 10 bit encoding

ffmpeg -
a static build for use of the binaries, installed to /opt/ffmpeg
binaries are symlinked in /usr/bin (ffmpeg, ffplay, ffprobe
ffmpeg has nvenc enabled, ymmv depending on hardware/source files, ect.
See for encoder names -
ffmpeg -encoders 2>/dev/null | grep nvenc

For info on using libfdk_aac see here -

Can be used for both 8 & 10 bit x264 encoding with this ppa's libx264, default is 8
For 10 bit preload the 10 bit .so first in terminal, eg.,
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x264-10bit/
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/x264-10bit/

libav - has fdkaac encoding enabled

yasm -
has been patched to improve compiling x265

devede -
can use either avconv or ffmpeg from here
1st choice for previewer is mplayer (version here is best

K9copy -
Mainly for ripping, as far as encoding there are better apps. If inclined to use for encoding then use mencoder as ffmpeg support is quite limited

For rhythmbox users a wide range of plugins can be found here -

Abcde -
ck. Suggested in synaptic for add. useful packages
A guide to config is here -

An excellent audio recorder is available here -

A good blender ppa is here -

Video - Why Are V0, V1, And V2 Of Ffmpeg Still Under ...

To further extend this ppa to libav11 check here -


To repeat -
*Please note that if using this ppa I would *not* try upgrading to 14.10/15.04, ect. Do a fresh install instead. The intent here is just for users wishing to stay on 14.04*
If upgrading anyway use ppa-purge first -
sudo ppa-purge ppa:mc3man/trusty-media

How To Install FFmpeg In Linux - Tecmint

Also note that with apt-get a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is needed for initial setup & with some package upgrades